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Frequently Asked Questions about the YNHHS Administrative Fellowship

Why YNHHS? What differentiates our fellowship program?

What are the distinguishing features of the Yale New Haven Health Administrative Fellowship program?

Yale New Haven Health gives a broad-based, academic health system experience. During fellowship, the fellow gains exposure to Yale New Haven Hospital, Greenwich Hospital, Bridgeport Hospital, Lawrence + Memorial Hospital, Westerly Hospital and Ambulatory Services and Clinician Enterprise, as well as the overall health system’s corporate services. From working with small community hospitals, a mid-sized urban hospital, one of the largest academic medical centers in the country to a geographically expansive medical foundation, the fellow is afforded a uniquely diverse experience.

What is it like to be a fellow?

How are the fellowship rotations assigned?

The fellowship is a two-year program. During the first year, the Administrative Fellows will rotate through various clinical and non-clinical areas and participate in systemwide initiatives. During the second year, the fellow will focus on a specific area of interest in a deepening experiential learning environment.

Do Administrative Fellows have an opportunity to influence or pick their rotations?

Although our fellowship program has a defined rotational structure, there is flexibility based on the fellow’s particular interest and career goals.

What is the process of fellows being assigned to projects?

The fellows are highly sought out by system leaders to work on a variety of projects. Fellows will have an assigned mentor during each rotation who will give them projects and also solicit projects from different service line VPs, directors or managers. Fellows may also seek specific projects in their areas of interest as well as working with their mentor to develop a project list through a two-way communication process. Fellows are also encouraged to shadow in different departments to gain exposure to hospital operations and service lines.

What are examples of the projects that fellows work on?

YNHHS fellows have the opportunity to manage numerous projects throughout their tenure. Project assignments are made at the system level, where fellows can get involved in some of the highest-priority initiatives. Preceptors work with fellows to identify project opportunities that align with the fellows’ interests and career objectives. 

Examples of former fellowship projects include: 

  • Response to and due diligence for strategic affiliation Requests For Proposal
  • Management of Northeast Medical Group’s Quality Measurement Program
  • Implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery clinical redesign initiatives
  • Business plan development for an international patient program
  • Data analysis around observation patients and strategic planning for the development of a new 10-bed observation unit
  • Emergency Department data analysis to determine the need for care coordination and referrals to the Primary Care Center
  • Implementation of YNHHS’ telehealth, employee wellness and patient engagement platforms
  • Leading teams across the enterprise to implement high-impact initiatives
  • Management of Perioperative Improvement workstream within the Strengthening our C.O.R.E. initiative
  • Implementation of dialysis access program with a moderate sedation nursing care model
  • Coordination of Yale Diverse Supplier Collaboration program

In addition, fellows have the opportunity to participate in high-level strategy management, community health improvement, budgeting, quality, patient satisfaction and operational committees and activities throughout YNHHS.

What are the types of professional development opportunities provided to the fellow?

Yale New Haven Health is committed to the ongoing growth and career development of its employees. An Administrative Fellow will learn every day from their mentors and project work. They will also have access to the system’s Institute for Excellence (IFE). The IFE offers no-cost, in-person courses to YNHHS employees, students and faculty throughout the year. The Administrative Fellow will have the opportunity to take courses covering topics such as: 

  • Advanced project management
  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Healthcare operations and finance
  • Leadership and other relevant courses of interest to the fellow 

This is an added education and career development opportunity that YNHHS offers to its fellows. The fellow will also be able to attend the ACHE meeting and events or another national conference.

What is the work day/week schedule like for the fellowship?

The typical Administrative Fellow schedule is a 40-hour work week but fellows are expected to have some flexibility depending on the need of the organization. Yale New Haven Health values and encourages staff to have a healthy and balanced work and family life.

What is the salary for the Administrative Fellow?

Yale New Haven Health offers a very competitive salary for Administrative Fellows. The fellowship also receives the full YNHHS benefits package, which includes holidays, vacation time, medical, dental and life insurance, tuition reimbursement and other benefits.

How do I apply/what are the requirements?

How do I apply for the YNHHS Fellowship?

 The application process has two parts. 

  1. YNHHS participates with the National Council on Administrative Fellowship (NCAF) national fellowship process and follows their guidelines and schedule. Applications are accepted through the National Administrative Fellowships Centralized Application Service (NAFCAS) with required components.  
  2. Candidates must complete the YNHHS Administrative Fellowship job application found at (August - October).

What should applicants include in their personal statements? Is there a specific question the fellows should answer?

The personal statement is an opportunity to distinguish yourself and tell your story! We recommend you include the following in your statement:

  • Why you are interested in healthcare administration?
  • Why you are interested in the YNHHS Fellowship?
  • What value you will add to the health system?

Does the candidate have to be a current student or recent graduate to apply for the program? Will YNHHS accept fellows that have obtained their graduate degree(s) in previous years?

Qualified candidates are Master’s degree-prepared individuals with a focus on healthcare management/administration and/or public health who have completed the didactic portion of their degree requirements before the start of the fellowship. Applications from recent graduates, candidates who are scheduled to complete the didactic portion of their degree before the fellowship start date, candidates in three-year programs that require a fellowship to graduate or candidates who have obtained their graduate degrees from previous years will be accepted. 

I have an educational degree or work experience as an MD, PA, APRN, RN, PT, or other clinical discipline. Would my background be a good fit for the fellowship program?

The majority of successful applicants have either a Master's degree in health care administration, public health or an MBA with a concentration in health care management, and have a demonstrated interest in a lifelong career in hospital operations and management. While a clinical degree or work experience is not a typical career path of our fellows, we appreciate the diverse skills and backgrounds that candidates can bring to YNHHS and do not exclude candidates with clinical backgrounds from applying for the fellowship. We require candidates with clinical backgrounds to also have a master’s degree in health care management or public health, is less than five years out of their health care management program and have a strong interest in a career dedicated to hospital management.  

Does YNHHS sponsor international candidates for the Administrative Fellowship?

No, all candidates for this role must be a U.S. citizen or have a legal right to work in the United States. We do not offer sponsorships for international candidates.

Can the fellowship be used to complete my residency placement?

Yes, some programs require residency and the YNHHS Administrative Fellowship satisfies this requirement.

Important Dates

As a member of the National Council of Administrative Fellowships (NCAF), we adhere to the NCAF application timeline and process. Please see below for the 2024 standardized dates.

  • Complete NAFCAS applications must be submitted by September 27, 2024
  • Onsite interviews will be held mid-October
  • Uniform offer acceptance date is October 25, 2024
  • Fellowship two-year program begins July 1, 2025, and ends June 30, 2027

Candidates who are invited to interview on-site will participate in a day-long series of individual and panel meetings with various senior leaders. Candidates should plan on arriving the afternoon prior to interviews for a meet-and-greet with current fellows. Overnight accommodations and full reimbursement for travel expenses will be provided.


What is the start date for the Administrative Fellowship?

The Administrative Fellowship starts every year in the first week of July.

Live Q&A Sessions

Join current and former administrative fellows as they share their experiences and answer your questions about the program via Microsoft Teams.

For more information about these one-hour sessions contact Susan Castagna at [email protected] or 203-200-3719.

Live Q&A Sessions - 2024

  • Tuesday, July 30, Noon - 1 pm
  • Thursday, August 15, Noon - 1 pm
  • Tuesday, August 20, 4 - 5 pm
  • Wednesday, August 28, 4 - 5 pm