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When Your Relative Shouldn’t Be Driving

  • Try to imagine what your life would be like without driving. Use your empathy to guide you through this process.
  • Get the backing of other family members.
  • Try to enlist the aid of your family doctor who may agree to write a prescription to stop driving.
  • Keep comments positive. “For all these years, you’ve been driving us. Now it’s our turn to drive you.”
  • Research ahead of time so you will have a possible solution if/when you are met with resistance.
  • Offer alternative means of transportation. Set up rides to regular outings. Ask your town’s senior center about local organizations that provide transportation.
  • Arrange to have prescriptions and groceries delivered.
  • See if visits from family or friends could include outings.
  • If all else fails, hide the keys, disable or remove the car. Your State Motor Vehicles Department accepts written reports about unsafe driving from law enforcement, physicians and anyone with personal knowledge of the driver’s capabilities.
  • Safety first! Don’t fear your relative.

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