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Volunteer Services

Hospice Volunteer Opportunities

Our hospice program is growing and we need your help! Join the hospice volunteer team of Yale New Haven Health - Health at Home, Hospice and enhance the quality of life for hospice patients who choose to spend their final days at home.

Volunteers receive free, mandatory screenings and training, the support of a team and unlimited appreciation and gratitude.

hospice volunteer

Opportunities for volunteering include:

Patient Companions

  • Socialization
  • Companionship
  • Errands
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Family Caregiver Respite

Complementary Therapies

  • Massage
  • Reiki
  • Reflexology
  • Pet Therapy
  • Art and Music

Veteran to Veteran

  • Assist Veterans in reminiscing/telling life stories
  • Educate & assist patients in receiving Veteran benefits
  • Take part in pinning ceremonies or distribute certificates for Veteran’s Day and other Recognition events
  • Assist in replacing lost medals

Bereavement Support

Spiritual Support