Your Executive Physical is customized to provide a comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic testing based on your unique medical needs, concerns and goals.
A board-certified internist will discuss your medical history and perform a complete physical examination.
A Yale New Haven Health cardiologist will assess your overall cardiovascular health and perform any of the following procedures:
Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven, a leading institution for early detection and treatment of cancers of all types, offers focused screenings for breast, cervical, prostate, skin and lung cancers. We can arrange for a colonoscopy as well.
When appropriate, we will use state-of-the-art imaging to search for signs of aneurysm in the abdomen, as well as blockages in the neck or legs.
We will provide a full gynecologic evaluation, including mammography, cervical cancer screening, bone density, audiology and genetic assessment for individuals at risk of disease.
We will evaluate a wide range of areas important to men’s health, including prostate cancer risk, potency, urologic function, audiology, cardiovascular health, bone density and skin cancer identification.
An exercise physiologist will assess your existing exercise regimen and develop a fitness plan specific to your health profile.
A stress assessment will help you work toward better work life balance and a healthier lifestyle.
Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale School of Medicine are partners and internationally acclaimed pioneers in genetics research and clinical application. Our medical geneticists include physicians who specialize in areas such as cardiology, neurogenetics, and cancer genetics, among others. You have access to genetic counselors and medical geneticists who can provide information and guidance about genetic testing that may help prevent significant health issues and provide important perspectives for you and your family.