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Angela Kang-Giaimo, MD, MPH, is an internal medicine specialist, focusing on hypertensive urgency, emergency department management, and internal medicine teaching and consultation. She is the clerkship director of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Kang-Giaimo’s research examines patient care during emergency situations, with an emphasis on hypertensive urgency (a sudden and severe increase in blood pressure). Her work explores ways to connect emergency department treatments with primary care physicians to ensure patients receive consistent and effective care.
A recipient of numerous awards, including multiple Teacher of the Year awards, the Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award, the Massachusetts Medical Society Scholars Program Award, the John T. Harrington Award for Humanity, and the Commencement Committee Award, Dr. Kang-Giaimo is an assistant professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine.
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1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 789-4384
Fax: (203) 789-3222
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