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John P. Moriarty, MD, is an academic general internist who cares for patients both in the hospital and ambulatory setting. He supervises residency physicians at Yale New Haven Hospital and at the New Haven Primary Care Consortium at 150 Sargent Drive.
Dr. Moriarty is professor of medicine (general medicine) at Yale School of Medicine and served as program director of the Yale Primary Care Residency for 10 years, stepping down from this position in 2024. His research has focused on medical education and residency program development.
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1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 867-5524
Fax: (203) 789-3222
150 Sargent Drive
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 503-3000
Fax: (203) 503-6579
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: (203) 688-4748
Fax: (203) 688-4740
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