Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease Medicine
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Dr. De Aguirre moved to the Unites States after completing his medical training at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala. He completed his residency in Internal medicine, and fellowship in Pulmonary medicine at Bridgeport Hospital. He also completed his Critical care fellowship at Montefiore Hospital, in New York. Upon completion of his training, he practiced Pulmonary and critical care medicine at a Partners Owned Hospital, in New Hampshire. He joined Bridgeport Hospital as an attending for Pulmonary and Critical Care in 2020.Dr. De Aguirre attends on the Medical Intensive Care Unit, pulmonary consult service, and ambulatory pulmonary clinic. His clinical areas of interest include outpatient pulmonary, and critical care.
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226 Mill Hill Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06610
Phone: (203) 384-3235
Fax: (203) 384-5010
300 Seaside Avenue
Milford, CT 06460
Phone: (203) 301-6261
Fax: (203) 301-6299
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