Published January 28, 2025
The FDA ban on Red No. 3 is putting a renewed spotlight on the use of artificial dyes in foods. The decision was made because of the Delaney Clause, a regulation in the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act that bans the use of carcinogenic additives from foods in humans or animals.
“There were studies done back in the 1990s that showed it may cause cancer in male lab rats so there was a color additive petition in 2022 because of that,” said Yale New Haven Hospital clinical transplant dietician Emily Acri, MS, RDN.
Food and drug manufacturers will have until 2027 and 2028 to remove Red No. 3 from their products, but Acri cautions people to look beyond the headlines before they panic about the foods they eat.
“With these studies, it’s important to know that the rats were exposed to very, very high amounts of Red Dye No. 3 compared to their body size, so the amounts that people are exposed to in everyday foods is negligible in comparison to the amounts that are causing these risks.”
Acri also notes the mechanism that causes cancer is rat specific and does not occur in humans. Studies in other animals and in humans did not show the same effects.
There are two types of dyes found in foods used to mask unwanted colors and make food more appealing. Natural dyes are made of foods and spices like turmeric and annatto. Artificial dyes are made of chemical substances.
Red No. 3 is made of erythrosine, a petroleum derivative, and is found in sweet foods including:
Other artificial dyes include Red No. 40, Yellow No. 5, Yellow No. 6, Blue No, 1, Blue No. 2 and Green No. 3. Each has their own unique chemical compound.
“There are differences in each of the food dyes and not all of them are cut from the same cloth, which is why we look at each and every one of those dyes under a microscope separately,” Acri said. “It’s hard to put all food dyes under the same umbrella because each and every one of them have a different compound and do different things.”
Acri says there are two main health concerns when it comes to food dyes. The first is the cancer risk found in lab rats who ingested Red No. 3 and the second is a potential link between dyes and hyperactivity in children. While there have already been a few studies on hyperactivity, Acri says right now there is no conclusive evidence yet and additional research is needed.
Other common complaints include a decreased immune system and general GI concerns. While each person may react differently, much like to a food allergy, there is no conclusive evidence to support those claims.
“Some people's bodies are more sensitive to certain chemicals than others, but it's also important to know that all food is technically a chemical. So, to say that the chemicals are bad, you would be saying all foods are bad,” she said.
Acri notes that science is constantly evolving, and additional studies may eventually show new data points on the impact of food dyes. If new research points to additional health risks in other food dyes that are used, it’s possible the FDA would consider additional bans. However, at this point, the other dyes in use are considered safe.
“I think there’s a lot of fear mongering that goes on around these things but remember the poison is in the dose,” Acri said.
Instead of deeming whole categories of foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ think about the importance of eating a well-rounded diet that includes moderation. “If you’re having toaster pastries in normal amounts, it’s not going to be the end-all and be-all of your health.”