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Great Catch winners help YNHH become a high reliability organization

Congratulations to these Great Catch winners for modeling HRO safety behaviors and taking action to improve patient safety.


Heather Lyons, PharmD, clinical pharmacist, was recognized for practicing a questioning attitude, attention to detail and communicating clearly. When an outside pharmacy had difficulty filling prescriptions for a discharge, Lyons drove to the pharmacy at the end of her shift. She worked directly with the pharmacist there to ensure the patient received the correct medications. She also helped coordinate the patient’s insurance and went to a second store to procure additional medications at a better cost. Lyons then followed up with the patient in his home to counsel him on all the changes and closed the loop by informing the patient’s provider about the situation.   


Amanda Iuliano, RN and Maisey Ayer RN, Multispecialty Clinic (NP 8), were recognized for attention to detail, speaking up for safety and practicing a questioning attitude. A patient came to the Medical Oncology clinic to discuss inpatient treatment for detox, but he declined to be admitted at that time. Ayer made a mental note to follow up with him in a few weeks. When she called, he admitted to experiencing depression and considering self-harm. Iuliano took over the conversation while Ayer contacted 911. Both nurses stayed on the phone with the patient until emergency services arrived at his house.