Camille Brown, MD, and her family used to say that her mother, Jennifer Brown, had a “PhD in daffodils,” because she could identify hundreds of varieties of the flower and knew their Latin names. After Jennifer passed away in February 2022, the Brown family donated daffodil bulbs to be planted in the Smilow Cancer Hospital Healing Garden in loving memory of Jennifer. Yale New Haven Hospital’s landscaping team planted the bulbs, but not just in the Healing Garden. Jennifer’s family donated thousands of bulbs, which were planted all over the York Street Campus and have bloomed in a sea of yellow this spring.
A team from Facilities planted thousands of daffodil bulbs at the Smilow Cancer Hospital Healing Garden and other locations. The bulbs were donated in loving memory of Jennifer Brown, a former patient, by her family. From left are Bob Parson, John Novi, Jeff Clark and Justin Sarbieski.