Important reminders: Gift giving and receiving policy
As the holidays quickly approach, Yale New Haven’s Office of Privacy and Corporate Compliance (OPCC) offers these reminders about gifts:
- It is NEVER OK to give gifts to a patient.
- It is NEVER OK to accept cash, gift cards or personal gifts from a patient. Please refer the patient to the Office of Development: 203-688-9644, or
- It is OK to accept perishable gifts that can be shared with co-workers, such as a box of chocolates, flowers, cookies.
- It is NEVER OK to give food or gifts to vendors; and it is NEVER OK to give gifts to vendors who may be government employees.
- It is NEVER OK to accept gifts, cash or gift cards, or food (except during the holiday season) from vendors. During the holiday season, it is acceptable for a department, clinical unit or clinical practice to accept a modest, perishable gift (such as a box of chocolates, flowers, cookies) to be shared by staff members. For any other gifts, please refer the vendor to Development.
- During COVID-19, all food donations from donors and vendors need to be approved and tracked by the respective DN Development Office.
Employees may not offer, receive or solicit personal gifts, business courtesies or services from any patient, visitor, vendor, or contractor.
If an employee is aware of an organization or potential donor that would like to donate money, the organization/donor must contact the respective Development Office directly. Additionally, employees should not solicit donations from organizations and potential donors.
Employees should not solicit vendors or enter into drawings/raffles for gifts on behalf of YNHHS. Please direct inquiries to Development.
If you have questions or concerns contact the OPCC: or 203-688-8416.