In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, Yale New Haven Hospital presented three high school students with $1,000 Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Awards. To be eligible, students must live in New Haven, attend a New Haven public school and have performed over 40 hours of uncompensated community service that does not count toward school credit. This year, students were also asked to write an essay about how Dr. King's work has influenced them. At the Jan. 20 presentation were (l-r): Dorinda Manner, director, Talent Acquisition, Yale New Haven Health System; Anna-Allegra Ranelli, Wilbur Cross High School, who volunteers at YNHH and New Haven Reads; Cynthia Lowman, career counselor, Talent Acquisition; Heaven Anderson, James Hillhouse High School, who works with special needs students; Kyle Senberg, Sound School High School, who volunteers with the East Haven Fire Department Explorers and East Haven Youth Football; and Kevin Myatt, senior vice president, Human Resources, and chief human resources officer, YNHHS.