Sylvia Greene, YNHH Auxiliary co-president; Mark Mercurio, MD, chief of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at YNHCH; and Ellen Highkin, YNHH Auxiliary co-president.
A highlight of the evening was a presentation by Mark Mercurio, MD, chief of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine and director of the Yale New Haven Children's Hospital Ethics Program. Dr. Mercurio has been active for many years in neonatology and medical ethics education for residents, fellows, nurses, attending physicians, medical students and others. He spoke about how neonatal intensive care is evolving at YNHCH and across the country.
YNHH Auxiliary officers for 2016-17 were installed, including Sylvia Greene and Ellen Highkin, co-presidents; Sylvia Greene and Peggy DeZinno; co-presidents-elect; Albina Cannavaciolo, treasurer; Chris Dowling, assistant treasurer; Judy O'Connor, recording secretary; and Mary Jane Celentano, corresponding secretary.
Board of Managers members also elected at the meeting include: Karen Anderson, Anne Andrews, Alyce Block, Annemarie Chuckrey, Mary Ann Connors, David Gannon, Cathi Greenstein, Maureen Herbert, Sally Howell, Ellie Jones, Edith Kufta, Betty LaBonia, Beverly Lewis, Diane Petra, Barbara Scaramozza and Jane Snaider.