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Great Catch winners help YNHH become a high reliability organization

Congratulations to these Great Catch winners for modeling HRO safety behaviors and taking action to improve patient safety.


great catchKristin Bullock, RN, Neurosciences ICU, was recognized for practicing a questioning attitude and speaking up for safety after noticing that a patient had labored breathing. Bullock escalated her concerns to the ICU and surgical team, examined the patient and initially determined that no additional interventions were needed. Bullock was still concerned, however, and further escalated her concerns to the nurse educator. The nurse educator requested another exam, which showed that the patient’s trach tube was partially blocked. Thanks to Bullock’s use of CHAMP behaviors, a serious outcome was avoided.


Tyler McKay, MD, was recognized for attention to detail in helping to prevent an unnecessary procedure. While reviewing a patient’s chart before a scheduled lung biopsy, Dr. McKay saw tuberculosis in the patient’s medical history. After a closer examination of previous imaging films, he determined that the mass scheduled to be biopsied was actually related to the previous TB diagnosis, and the procedure was not needed. Dr. McKay escalated his concerns and the procedure was cancelled.