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bulletin may 2 2019

Dianne Wuerth, LCSW; Tatyana Vynar, RN

PEACE recognition announced

These employees received PEACE (Patient Experience Award for Caring and Excellence) recognition for going above and beyond to meet patients’ and families’ needs.

Dianne Wuerth, LCSW, Transplantation Center, was honored for going above and beyond for a patient who had been evaluated for a liver transplant at another medical facility. The patient’s record said she had been declined for transplant and placed on hospice care. Because of the patient’s age and condition, Wuerth questioned the record and contacted the other facility for more information. She discovered the patient had been temporarily deferred and was actually a candidate for transplant. Wuerth arranged for the patient to be immediately transferred to YNHH for an expedited transplant evaluation, after which the patient was listed for, and received, a liver transplant.

Tatyana Vynar, RN, Emergency Department, was honored for actions of genuine care and compassion on behalf of a trauma patient. The team attempted to resuscitate him for more than an hour without success. Because no family members were present, Vynar remained at the patient’s bedside and talked to him in his last moments so he would not be alone as he passed away.

All employees, physicians and volunteers are eligible for the monthly PEACE recognition. Send nominations to: [email protected].